A Rainy Day with Jude

Have you ever had one of those days where you realize time goes by so fast? Today has been one of those days for me. This morning I woke up early to finish some last minute Christmas shopping and on my way home I picked up some lunch for Jude and I. As I sat there and watched him eat, the realization hit me that next month I will have a two year old! How on earth do I have a two year old? It seems as if just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. Lately I have found myself being so busy with work, photography, and church not to mention cleaning, cooking and all of the other homely chores that have to be done. As I sat there and looked at my son I decided today was day that we were just going to spend together playing and cherishing every moment! I love this sweet boy and his love for trains. He is so sweet and needs to stop growing up!


Don’t mind the mismatched pajamas!





I love these little hands!


And the cute Christmas ornaments they make!



And this is the train tracks we make and play with all day long

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